“An event for over 1000 cyclists! You must be joking!”
If Chain Gang members never actually said that, then the vast majority thought it. This is when Chairperson John Murray announced, “the SRAC is coming to town next March with the Chain Gang CC playing a big part.”

Roll on 5 to 6 months and we can now look back on a job well done.

With the surgeon like detail of Tomás Crowley’s safety and road organisational skills, John Murray’s tireless work and enthusiasm, Seamus Cotter’s level head things were never going to go pear shape with this trio in charge. You can keep reeling off the names of people who played a big part too: Jean, Donal, Pat, Dave, Jennifer, Paul, Maura, Brendan, Aine, Joanne, Xavier, Brenda……the list is endless.

The SRAC event was very much a team effort as members from this cycling club dug deep, came together and pulled off a fantastic cycling event.
The SRAC began in Clare in 2012 moving from Lahinch to Ennistymon. In 2017 over 3,000 cyclists participated with a guest list that included such cycling icons as Stephen Roche and Sean Kelly.

With the Wild Atlantic Way stretching the Donegal in the north to Cork in the south the decision was made in 2018 to make the move, hence The Chain Gang CC, Tralee, Kerry and the Dingle Peninsula.

It was a delight and a massive feel good factor for many people from the area to see such a huge number of athletes descend on Kerry’s Capital and enjoy the fine weather, breath-taking scenery and hospitality that the area is so renowned for.

Finally, what a day we had for this event. Close to perfect weather conditions (for the time of year) iconic climbs, breath-taking scenery, the delightful towns and villages of the area, people enjoying themselves savouring the views, taking lots of photos and accumulating many happy memories.

Again, a big thank you to our lads and lassies who stood on the road for up
to 5 hours. well over 60 of them. The gang who came in on Friday evening and
before the crack of dawn on Saturday to take care of the signing on process.
The 30 or so individuals from the club, friends, relatives and The Alzheimer
charity who gave their time for a good 5-6 hours at the food stop in Dingle
Pobal Scoil. The crew driving out on the roads in their vehicles. Lead cars,
sweepers and in betweeners. The magnificent motor cyclists, the ambulance and
emergency, Brian’s gang who took care of everything Tralee, the Garda, the crew
from Clare, our special guests and the people of West Kerry for their patience.

Finally, to you…our guests who without we would have not been able to do a thing. We hope you enjoyed your day/weekend with us in South West Ireland and we hope to see you again soon.